It was the seventies and a young man stood out in the Martial Arts. He lived in the United States at that time and became a world junior karate champion. Suddenly, he decided to venture into another field, the musical, and that is how his first recording appeared at the end of 1979: Rebelde y soñador. It was Oscar Domingo, who over the years has become the leading figure of romantic song in our country.

Then came the eighties and with them Oscar Domingo’s parade of hits, one after another with songs like Mientes, Dime, Perdóname, Rachell, etc. He filled the entire stage on which he appeared. He recorded records in Italy and in Germany. Some of his songs were soap opera themes.

His popularity reached all of Central America, Mexico, the United States and even Europe. He then went to settle in Mexico where he continued his career. Years later he has returned to our country, where he continues his musical projects together with his family and his farm in Guápiles.

Some of those great Oscar Domingo hits from the eighties:

  • Rebellious and dreamy
  • Tell me
  • Forgive me
  • I’m crying inside
  • Me first
  • You lie
  • Rachel
  • Love me
  • Don’t treat me like that
  • For you a bouquet of flowers

Enjoy one of his greatest hits: