Jorge Alirio Jaimes Flórez SPORTS HONORS

Title: Martial Arts Instructor

Age: 48 years

Location: Los Patios, Norte de Santander, Colombia

Director of the ITMAS TAO-SHOU-DO martial arts school in Colombia.


  • Degree in basic education with an emphasis in physical education, recreation and sports from the University of Pamplona.



  • Master, 5th Dan black belt.

  • President of the WKBO of Colombia.

  • Practitioner of open styles, Karate, Kung-Fu, Taekwondo, Boxing, Kick-Boxing, Grappling and MMA.


Sports level titles:

  • Tony Jas Cup National Champion (1993-1994-1995-1996-1997-1998-1999-2000)

  • Runner-up of the Tuluá Golden Tiger Cup (1995) Colombia.

  • Runner-up of the Arco Dorado Cup in Full Contact (1995) Bogotá Colombia.

  • Colombian Cup Champion, Bogotá (1995-1996)

  • Champion of the Bucaramanga Pontifical Bolivarian University Cup (1997-1998) Colombia.

  • Binational Champion of various tournaments in Venezuela between the years (1997-2014) Colombia.

  • Binational Champion of the Venezuelan Colombo Cup of the year (2015).

  • Pan American Champion in Cali Colombia on November 10 (2019).
  • Organizer of the Chinácota Cup TAO-SHOU-DO Norte de Santander Colombia from (2008) to (2019).
  • Organizer of the Patios TAO-SHOU-DO Cup of Norte de Santander Colombia from (1995) to (2022).
  • Organizer of the Colombian-Venezuelan Cup from (2008) to (2022) in Colombia.
  • Organizer of the Honda Verde Cup, Ragonvalia (2023).
  • Organizer of Karate, Boxing, Kick Boxing, Grappling and Amateur MMA in Cage Events.
  • Experience in my Martial career 36 years.
  • I am a student, more advanced rank of the great Master Jorge Alberto Sánchez Gómez of the Tigre International School. USES. ITMAS to which I belong 36 years ago.

Maricela Rincón Toro SPORTS HONORS

Title: Martial Arts Instructor

Age: 48 years

Location: Los Patios, Norte de Santander, Colombia

Director of the ITMAS TAO-SHOU-DO martial arts school in Colombia.


  • Master, 3rd Dan black belt.

  • Practitioner of open styles, Karate, Kung-Fu, Taekwondo, Boxing, Kick-Boxing, Grappling and MMA.


Sports level titles:

  • Tony Jas Cup National Champion (1994-1995-1996-1997-1998-1999-2000)

  • Champion of the Arco Dorado Cup (1995) Bogotá Colombia.

  • Colombian Cup Champion, Bogotá (1995-1996)

  • Cup Champion Pontifical Bolivarian University of Bucaramanga (1997-1998) Colombia.

  • Binational Champion of several tournaments in Venezuela between the years (1997-2009) Colombia.

  • I belong to the organization of the events Copa los Patios, Copa Chinácota, Copa Honda Verde and the Gran Copa Colombo Venezolana TAO-SHOU-DO, since the years (2000-2023), (N.S), Colombia.

  • Experience in my Martial career 30 years.
  • I am a student, most advanced rank of the Master Jorge Alirio Jaimes Flórez of the ITMAS TAO-SHOU-DO School of Colombia.

Yin Reiny Jaimes Rincón SPORTS HONORS

Title: Martial Arts Instructor

Age: 18 years

Location: Los Patios, Norte de Santander, Colombia

Instructor of the ITMAS TAO-SHOU-DO martial arts school in Colombia.


  • Black belt.

  • Practitioner of open styles, Karate, Kung-Fu, Taekwondo, Boxing, Kick-Boxing, Grappling and MMA.


Sports level titles:

  • Los Patios Cup Zonal Champion From (2009) to (2023), (N.S), Colombia.

  • Zonal Champion Chinácota Cup From (2,009) to (2,023), (N.S), Colombia.

  • Green Honda Cup Champion (2023) Ragonvalia, (N.S), Colombia.

  • Kiatzu Cup Champion from (2015) to (2023) Cúcuta, (N.S), Colombia.

  • Dojo Cúcuta Cup Champion (2015-2016) Cúcuta, (N.S), Colombia.

  • Wushi-Quan Cup Champion (2019) Cúcuta, (N.S), Colombia.

  • Extreme Challenge Cup Champion from (2010) to (2017) Bucaramanga, Santander, Colombia.

  • Champion of Several Silent León Cup Tournaments between the years (2012) to (2022) Bucaramanga, Santander, Colombia.

  • Gladiator Cup Kick-Boxing Champion (2019) Bucaramanga, Santander, Colombia.
  • Kaiju Cup Champion (2,022) Cúcuta, (N.S), Colombia.
  • Combat Cup Champion (2,023) Cúcuta, (N.S), Colombia.
  • International Champion of the Challenge Cup (2011) San Cristóbal, Venezuela.
  • Carlos Vivas Cup Champion (2011), Venezuela.
  • Top Fighter Cup Champion (2012), Venezuela.
  • Venezuelan Colombo Cup Champion from (2009) to (2022) Cúcuta, (N.S), Colombia.
  • Pan American Champion in Cali Colombia on November 10 (2019).
  • Experience in my Martial trajectory 16 years.
  • I am a student of the Master Jorge Alirio Jaimes Flórez of the ITMAS TAO-SHOU-DO School.
